1. Understand you are sharing the facility with over 400 homeowners who have the same level of access and rights to use the pool as you. Talking about how you “pay” as a reason why you can do what you want will not work.
  1. Follow the Rules: There are rules posted outside the bathhouse and in several places inside the pool. Not knowing them is not an excuse, and it’s crucial to follow them. Following these rules ensures everyone’s safety and allows everyone to have an enjoyable time at the pool.
  2. Make Sure Your Guests Know the Rules (and you need to be with your guests): If you plan on having guests over to enjoy the pool with you, make sure they know the rules as you will be responsible for any rules they break. That includes being asked for ID if the people in charge don’t recognize you or your guests. If anyone using your pass is unwilling to identify themselves or present ID, you and your guests will be removed by police and you will lose access to the pool. Yes, MFPOA does have the right to know who everyone using the facilities is and where everyone lives.
  3. Do NOT share your pass or let people in on your pass that aren’t with you. There are reasons why a pass might not work. One of those reasons is non-payment of assessments. Homeowners need to be “members in good standing” to use facilities. It is best to point to the sign on the door and let them deal with the why their pass isn’t working, because if you do decide to let them in, you could lose access to the pool.
  4. No Loud Music: While it’s tempting to blast your favorite music while enjoying the pool, it’s important to be considerate of your neighbors. Loud music can disrupt other people’s pool experience and your choice of music may not be a shared choice. Using the HOA’s electricity to fuel your portable speaker isn’t allowed, either. Again, this is not your private pool to do with as you please.
  5. Don’t Bring Glass Inside the Fence, No Alcohol, and Eat Outside the Fence: We all know broken glass and bare feet do not mix well and while you might be the person who has never broken glass, we don’t know that. Using glass containers inside the fence is a major safety hazard. Stick to using plastic or metal containers. Marion County has a rule that eating areas need a 29″ barrier between it and the pool. We do not have that, so don’t pull out the snacks or plan to have a food party inside the fence. You will lose access to the pool.
  6. Don’t bring you or your sick family members to the pool. Let us know if you or someone has a fecal accident in the pool or if someone throws up: If you or your little ones have been under the weather lately, it’s probably best to avoid using the pool. No one wants to be around sick people! We need to address fecal and vomiting incidents immediately and appropriately. You can call or text us at ‪(317) 643-1708‬ and we will get someone there promptly
  7. Make sure your kids and guests behave. The reason why you don’t let the kids run on the deck is that if they do fall, they will get hurt.If they do topple someone else over, THEY will get hurt. No one has to run. Diving – same issue. People get hurt. Horseplay – same issue. People get hurt. You may think your actions and behavior won’t get you or someone around you hurt, but the rest of us don’t know that. So don’t behave or let your friends and family with you behave in a way that could get someone hurt .
  8. Leave things the way you found them or better. We don’t care if you rearrange chairs while you are there; just put them back. We don’t care if you bring in bottled water or a drink in a disposable container, just throw them away in the trash. Put diapers in the trash outside the restrooms. Be a good neighbor! If you don’t really feel like being a good neighbor, behave as if you do.

Here are the more in-depth pool rules:
McFarland Farms Pool Tennis Rules 2021