More Upgrades to the Utilities in “The Springs”
Dear Homeowners,
We were informed on January 31, 2023, AES is beginning work to update power lines in McFarland Farms. The federal government provided a grant to upgrade power lines in neighborhoods 25 years and older. The work has already begun near the Santolina and Stop 11 entrance. Please see the map below of the affected streets (Santolina, Fennel, Lovage, Germander, Chervil, Tarragon Pl from Perilla to McFarland Blvd).
They are working in the easement in yards, which is anywhere there is a flag marked for utilities. Unfortunately, we cannot stop this work as they are able to work in easements. They will clean up as they go, which will including moving equipment/trailers, hoses, to the next section. They will also remove the flags when they are completed in each area.
This project will take about 4-6 weeks. They will also be back in the spring to fill and seed as necessary in the areas they have worked. If you have any issues with the work AES/Greenwald Enterprise is doing or if you find damage you believe they have caused, you may contact Joe Greenwald with Greenwald Enterprise at (317)339-6763.
Lastly, the fiber optics work is complete outside of Comcast fixing a few of their areas. The city is aware of sidewalks that have been cracked/damaged. They are working to get those fixed. If you have any damage from fiber optics work such as irrigation lines, invisible dog fences, driveway damage, etc., please reach out to Mike Escollies at (317)983-0867.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
McFarland Farms Board of Directors